Welcome to Michel L. Tremblay lab online.
My lab has been established at McGill University (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) since March 1992. Over 60 researchers, students, postdoctoral fellows and supporting staffs have been or are currently committed to our research projects.
In order to understand and find cures for human diseases, my lab focuses on protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases). PTPases regulate various signaling pathways in cells, playing essential roles in many biological and pathological processes.
To date, my lab has successfully shown that PTPases play key roles in diabetes, obesity, spinal cord injury and infectious diseases as well as in diverse cancers. We believe that our studies will lead to the development of new treatments for a broad range of human diseases.
Among the PTPases, our special interests are towards the following enzymes: PTP1B, TC-PTP, PTP-PEST, RPTP-sigma and PRL-2.

Ph.D., F. R. S. C., C.Q.
James McGill Professor
Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Centre
Jeanne and J.-Louis Levesque Chair in Cancer Research